Admissions Procedure



The following instruction aims to h在線資源elp you complete the appli高清版中文版cation. Please read carefully.

1.  Go to the Online Application portal (影院直播 and complete the application直播好姑娘 form. 

2.  The following documents a動漫動漫re required to complete the applica在線姐姐tion, so prepare in advance.

  • Scanned copy of national ID for 在線MVmainland Chinese citizens or valid pass高清MVport photo page for non-mainland ChinesMV國語e citizens
  • Electronic copy of passport-size 視頻高清版photo of the student
  • Official school transcript starting from噼裡啪啦成全 Year 7 (comments included, if applicable)
  • Up to 3 most important awards/honTV高清版ors received since Year 7

3.  Application materials are reviewed in tMV直播he order of dates they are received by the Admiss高清版TVions Committee. The student/parent will be nGO成全otified via email of a series o動漫中文版f events that follow the student's applicaTV資源tion.

4. Student/parent will 免費TVreceive email notification regarding application藝術姑娘 result. For Year 9 students frGO直播om Suzhou, your official admission is contingen姐姐姑娘t upon obtaining the Middle School GrMV飄雪aduation Certificate and a Zhong Kao score that meets the minim中文版飄雪um entry requirement of our school.高清視頻 For other students, your offici國語噼裡啪啦al admission is contingent upo免費高清版n successful completion of Year 9動漫在線 with the Middle School Graduation Ce大地動漫rtificate or equivalent qualifiGO大地cation.

5. The online application runs 資源視頻on a rolling basis. Due to limited space in the e美麗丁香花ntering class, we encourage you to submi高清成全t your application as early as you can.

6. For any inquiry regarding admissions, ple高清資源ase contact us at 0512-65198202 / 65199202 (8:30噼裡啪啦直播 am – 4:30 pm on weekdays高清版美麗).

上一篇:CAS Programme
